- It promotes bonding: Your cat loves spending as much time with you as possible—don’t deprive it.
- It relieves stress: Fact: Petting animals boosts the production of oxytocin, aka the “love” or “cuddle” hormone. But you already knew that one, right? (Here’s another cool fact—owning a cat could reduce your risk of a heart attack by nearly one third.) Letting your kitty into your bed at the end of a hectic day is a great way to help you relax and unwind.
- It might help you fall asleep: That soothing purr is basically a lullaby, and that warm, furry little body lying on top of yours might as well be a weighted blanket. Inviting your kitty cat into bed with you is the coziest way to fall asleep. Just remember that cats are nocturnal, so don’t be surprised if they decide that 3 a.m. is playtime.
- It can make you feel safe: Remember that story of the cat who woke up its owners when there was a gas leak? Guard dogs get all the attention, but cats are pretty awesome, too. Studies showed that those who allowed pets to sleep in bed with them did so because it helped them sleep by providing security, companionship or relaxation.
- It’s hard not to. Cats are stubborn. They’re also creatures of habit, meaning that if you let your feline sleep with you for a couple of nights, then chances are she’s going to keep doing so. Some advice? Don’t fight it; just enjoy.
If you are going to have your cats sleep on your bed, make sure they’re deflead often and that you change your bed sheets more often.
