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Cape Town
Tuesday, April 1, 2025

The Dandelion Initiative

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Marguerite Black has a wonderful vision, and through the Dandelion Initiative she is constantly striving to improve the psychological and emotional well-being of disadvantaged children and teenagers who have experienced emotional and physical trauma, illness and physical disability.
The Dandelion Initiative offers sympathetic practices to promote wellbeing, healing and to encourage the release of trauma and the development of coping mechanisms, self-esteem, self-expression & confidence.
She runs clinics, on a voluntary basis at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, twice a week at the Renal Unit and every Thursday at the Outpatients Diabetic Clinic. The work she does entails play therapy, art, music and relaxation techniques, visualisation, journaling and involves helping the little patients find a sense of meaning and gratitude, with emphasis being placed on their illness not defining who they are a as a person.
What makes Marguerite’s story more than special, is at the age of 16, she herself was diagnosed with Friedreich’s ataxia, a crippling neurological disorder. She has written an autobiography which takes you through the progression of how she came to terms with her condition, and although living with this disorder is a daily battle; her dedication to helping the children is truly remarkable.
Please support Marguerite to continue the work she does at the Hospital, as she volunteers her time and outlays many resources to helping the little patients get better.
You can support this initiative by volunteering your professional skills,business contacts, time, fundraising ideas, or by simply making a financial donation.
For more information and to donate to this worthwhile initiative, visit www.margueriteblack.blogspot.com or contact Marguerite Black:
Email: cmblack@mweb.co.za
Cell number: 083 737 8386

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