A children’s book by Miss South Africa Shudufhadzo Musida about the bullying she experienced when she moved to a new province and a new school will be released tomorrow.
The book Shudu Finds Her Magic is printed in six languages and includes colourful illustrations by Chantelle and Burgen Thorne.
It is aimed at children between the ages of 4 and 9 and is inspired by the beauty queen’s own childhood.
“The response and interest to the news that I had written a book have been phenomenal. I am over the moon that it is now available this week,” says Shudu.
Bullying under the spotlight again
Meanwhile, the Miss South Africa Organisation and Jacana Media are trying to make the book available to kids around the country.
For every book sold, one will be donated to Childline South Africa and The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG). These organizations help children with issues like bullying and depression.
Musida will also be giving a series of virtual school readings and will do a countrywide tour to promote the book, subject to Covid-19 restrictions.