8 Out Of 8 Questions: 2 October 2019
1.What does Stevie Wonder and Altered Images have in common?
2.Who played the Genie in 1992’s, Aladdin?
3.In which ad campaign would you have encountered Charles Glass?
4.“I am not an animal! I am a human being.” – From which movie is this line?
5.Silence of the Lambs the movie was based on the book written by?
6.To whom is Andre Agassi married?
7.From which song is this line: You drown out the crowd
8.Who played the character Cher, in Clueless?
8 Out Of 8 Answers: 2 October 2019
1.The song Happy Birthday
2.Robin Williams
3.Castle Lager
4.Elephant Man
5.Thomas Harris
6.Steffi Graf
7.When You say Nothing At All
8.Alicia Silverstone
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