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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Opinion: 2022 matric pass rate

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2022 matric pass rate: The matric class of 2022 who wrote the National Senior Certificate exams achieved a pass rate of 80.1%. This is according to the Department of Basic Education. Given that the pass mark in some subjects is as low as 30%, this figure is nothing to celebrate, particularly as most school leavers will struggle to find employment even having passed matric.

Should we really be celebrating the 2022 matric pass rate?

The DA says the National Senior Certificate pass rate is misleading. The party argeus that the real matric pass rate is actually 54.6%. This is calculated by including the number of learners that dropped out prior to writing their final exams.

At the same time, only 58% of learners, according to the DA’s calculations, reach grade 12. There’s no question that the high dropout rate is exacerbating youth unemployment. In the third quarter of 2022, this reached 59.6%. Unemployed youth are defined as those not at school, not enrolled at a training or tertiary institution and are not employed.

The Independent Examination Board

Only 38.4% of matrics who wrote the 2022 National Senior Certificate matric exams achieved sufficient marks to be accepted to a bachelor’s degree compared to 89.32% of learners who wrote the Independent Examination Board (IEB) exams. This highlights the inherent inequality in outcomes in our education system. More than 98% of IEB learners passed the 2022 exams. The IEB consistently achieves a higher pass rate and more bachelor pass passes, highlighting just how unequal our education system is becoming.

2022 matric pass rate – A bachelor’s pass

A bachelor’s pass means that the learner has passed 6 of 7 subjects, achieved at least 50% in four subjects, and at least 40% in their home language. Also, at least 30% in their language of learning and teaching and at least 30% for one other subject. It’s important to note that a bachelor’s pass does not mean automatic acceptance at university. At government schools, poor educational outcomes are exacerbated by failing infrastructure and overcrowded classrooms.

What is meritocracy?

In an article published by Daily Maverick recently, Professor Omphemetse Sibanda says, “the notion of us being a meritocracy where everyone has a fair chance to succeed is almost non-existent in South Africa.”

READ MORE: Matric results: Class of 2022 earns 80.1% pass rate

Calling equal education in South Africa a myth and wishful thinking, he predicts that, “educational equality by socio-economic background will persist at current levels throughout the next generation.”  Sibanda says schooling needs to be reformed to address the current inequality and foster accountability.

One of the big concerns is the poor pass rate in maths as a growing number of learners drop to the “easier” maths literacy. In 2018, 342,976 learners wrote maths literacy in the National Senior Certificate exams. That number grew to 460,708 in 2022.

In comparison, 270,516 National Senior Certificate learners wrote maths in 2018, growing to only 276,241 in 2022. Only 55% of National Senior Certificate learners passed maths in the 2022 exams.

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Unless significant interventions are made, maths outcomes are likely to worsen in the years ahead. One of the problems is a shortage of quality teachers. In a global study ranking the maths and science abilities of grade five learners, just 37% had even a basic understanding of maths. At the same time, only 28% had even a basic understanding of science. These outcomes deteriorated even further by the time learners reached grade nine.

Quality is the problem – 2022 matric pass rate

The problem is not a lack of funding. South Africa spends around 6% of its GDP on education which is comparable to other equivalent-sized economies. Rather, we have a quality problem. Many teachers are not subject matter experts.

One study found that the majority of grade 3 teachers were unable to achieve even 50% in grade 6 maths assessments. When learners are not provided with the right academic foundations it’s no surprise that they drop to maths literacy by matric.


2022 matric pass rate


More and more schools, perhaps motivated by the desire for better results from maths literacy than core maths, are encouraging learners to drop to maths literacy. This is not a sustainable solution to the challenge of declining educational outcomes.

The high drop-out rate

In addition to addressing the high drop-out rate, we need to relook our curriculum content to ensure that it’s fit for purpose and equips learners with the necessary skills for the future job market. We need to upskill our teachers, train more teachers in the core STEM subjects of science, technology, engineering and maths and implement a culture of accountability in the education space.

We need to invest in building more schools to address the problem of overcrowded classrooms. We also need to ensure an acceptable teacher-learner ratio. Vested interests and political ideology need to be put aside as we reform the entire education system so that each learner has an equal opportunity to succeed.

Kicking the can down the road while educational outcomes deteriorate even further does a great disservice to the youth of our country.

Article COMPILED By Paul Esterhuizen, CEO of School Days

Merentia Van Der Vent
Merentia Van Der Vent
Merentia joined the media world in 1996 and in 2001, she took her first steps in the broadcasting world. In her free time, she likes to go on adventures in the city. She also likes to learn new dances, not that she is any good at that.

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