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Saturday, January 11, 2025

Man Stuff- 4 Truths to Losing Belly Fat!

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Net die ander dag het ek gesels oor die tipe soorte vet wat jou boep veroorsaak, en dit is natuurlik die onderhuidse vet en die viserale vet wat agter die maag spiere en rondom die organe vorm, en albei kan groot gesondheids nadele veroorsaak!

So hoe gemaak met maag vet verloor ouens.

Ek kry natuurlik die vraag baie, En jy kan gaan staan en crunches doen dat jy blou raak in jou gesig, dit gaan nie help nie.  Jy moet kyk na n paar baie belangrike faktore. Hier is 4 wat ek gekry het.



excess sugar can lead to an increased accumulation of fat around the belly and on the liver. Lees jou kos etikette, baie kosse het n ton versteekte suikers, en natuurik ook jou Fizzy drankies.

2- Cut out processed carbs

Things like cookies and white bread aren’t doing you any good for fat loss. Heavily processed carbs haven’t got any nutritional benefits and will put a brake on your fat loss goals.

Also note, Cutting carbs in total is not ideal either

When you restrict healthy carbohydrates, you’ll kill testosterone levels and make binge eating inevitable, which is the last thing you want.

3 – Don’t try and spot reduce belly fat- IE- a Million Crunches

Focus on Compound movements that will burn the core along with other Muscles

4 – Track calories and food

At least in the beginning,sometimes you’ll be surprised as to what you actually consume in a day! When you get familiar with food groups and their nutritional values then it will become second nature as to know what’s good and bad, what’s too much and too little !

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