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Saturday, July 6, 2024

IEC welcomes signing of Electoral Amendment Bill into law

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The Electoral Commission has welcomed the signing into law of the Electoral Amendment Bill. The IEC says this provides the necessary legal certainty required to prepare for the National and Provincial Elections which will be held in 2024.


ALSO READ: President Ramaphosa signs Electoral Amendment Bill into law


The IEC says the foremost implications of the Act are as follows:


  1. For the first time individuals who are not associated with political parties will stand as candidates for elections into legislatures and the National Assembly.
  2. It commits the country to a process of Electoral reform beyond the 2024 elections.
  3. Now that the policy choices for the coming elections have been made, the Electoral Commission will move with deliberate speed to finalise the supporting business applications necessary for the implementation of the Act.


These include, among others:


  • Rewriting the Candidate Nomination System to facilitate the participation of independent candidates and unrepresented political parties together with a portal to enable candidates to capture the details of voters who support their candidature;
  • Redeveloping the Results System to facilitate the recording of votes cast in favour of independent candidates and translating these into seats where the relevant threshold is met;
  • Updating platforms and mechanisms of liaison with parties to also include independent candidates;
  • Reviewing the Political Party Funding legislation to include funding of elected independents;
  • Ensuring enactment of consequential amendments and regulations to enable the realization of the objects of the Act.

The Commission has now approved an integrated chart of electoral milestones which contains all activities and timelines that underpin preparations for the 2024 National and Provincial Elections:




The Act determines the participation of independent candidates on the following basis:


  1. An independent candidate may be nominated to contest in one or more regions but may only be elected to one seat in the National Assembly.
  2. An independent candidate may only be nominated to stand in a provincial legislature in a province in which they are registered.
  3. An independent candidate may only be a member of either the National Assembly or a provincial legislature.
  4. A prescribed declaration confirming that the candidate has submitted names, identity numbers and signatures of voters who support his or her candidature.


Further requirements include:


  • Candidates must pay a prescribed deposit. Deposits paid by independent candidates may be different from those paid by political parties.
  • Candidates must undertake to be bound by the Electoral Code of Conduct.
  • Candidates must sign a declaration that they are not disqualified in terms of the Constitution.
  • In respect of provincial elections, candidates must sign a declaration that they are registered in that province.


Registered political parties that do not have seats in any legislature or the National Assembly will have to meet the same 15 percent quota requirement and also pay a deposit.


The quota for the various regions and provincial legislatures is illustrated in the tables attached.




The participation of independent candidates in elections of the National Assembly as a consequence of the signed law, has the following noteworthy implications:


  1. The amended Act provides for an additional ballot paper in the election of the National Assembly thereby offering voters a non-binary choice of either a party or independent. The effect of this is that the regional and compensatory ballots are separate (two ballots instead of a single ballot as was previously the case). The regional ballot for the National Assembly includes parties and independents. The other (national) ballot contains only parties to restore proportionality. The ballots for the regional seats in the National Assembly will be region-specific like provincial legislature ballots.
  2. The introduction of the second ballot for the election of the National Assembly, results in an increased number of ballot papers to be printed without the corresponding increase in timelines. Thus the ballot printing window remains immutable for 28 days.


The number of ballot papers for provincial legislature elections remains unchanged at one ballot per province. These will contain the names of parties and independent candidates.




Ahead of each election, the Electoral Commission undertakes registration drives to register new voters and to enable already registered voters to inspect and where necessary update their registration details. These drives result in updating of the voters’ roll.


For this purpose, the Electoral Commission has announced that it will open its network of approximately 24 000 voting stations over the weekend of 18 and 19 November 2023 to register new voters for the forthcoming elections and to facilitate inspection of the roll.


Voting station based registration represents the most equitable manner of equalising access to the vote.


Additional modalities of registration have also been implemented to facilitate continuous registration. For those with access to the internet they may register, inspect and update their details at any time before the proclamation of the elections by visiting www.elections.org.za.


Voters may also visit the local offices of the Commission in each municipality or take advantage of the various activation campaigns that the Commission will undertake in various areas to register and update their details.


Other noteworthy changes to the electoral scheme ahead of the elections in 2024:




In National and Provincial Elections, voters vote at the voting station where they are registered. However, the Electoral Act had provided for an exception.


This exception was intended to facilitate the continued franchise of persons who unavoidably found themselves outside areas in which they were registered on voting day.


However, over time, this well-meaning provision has been misused in a manner that may imperil proper administration of elections and creates perceptions that some voters are able to vote more times than they are entitled to.


The new framework now provides that those who, for unavoidable reasons, are likely to find themselves outside of their voting station of registration, must give prior notice of their intention to vote at a different voting station.


The Commission reiterates that with the assent of the Bill certainty has now been created in the planning framework for the 2024 National and Provincial Elections. Our time is short and we cannot afford any delay. All electoral stakeholders are asked to start their preparations in order to avoid missing immutable electoral timelines.


Liesl Smit
Liesl Smit
Liesl is the Smile 90.4FM News Manager. She has been at Smile since 2016, with nearly 20 years experience in the radio industry, including reading news, field reporting and producing. In 2008 she won the Vodacom Journalist of the Year Award, Western Cape region. liesl@smile904.fm

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