8 Out Of 8 Questions: 9 September 2019
1.Which Eddy Grant song was banned in South Africa, in the late 80’s?
2.Who played the female lead in a Few Good Men?
3.What did MacGyver, Don Johnson and Andre Agassi have in common?
4.David Cole and Robert Clivillés made up which group?
5.Fact or Fiction – Fujifilm invented the first Digital Camera in 1986?
6.From which song is this line: The way he moved, it was a sin, so sweet and true
7.Freddy Krueger first appeared in Friday 13 or Nightmare on Elm Street?
8.”Now, you got a corpse in a car minus a head in the garage. Take me to it.” From which movie is this line?
8 Out Of 8 Answers: 9 September 2019
1.Give me Hope Joanna
2.Demi Moore
3.The Mullet
4.C + C Music Factory
5.Fiction (It was the first disposable camera)
6.Black Velvet – Alannah Myles
7.Nightmare on Elm Street
8.Pulp Fiction
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