Many people have a perception that when it comes to fat and calories means burning them for hours on the treadmill. Not true.
Here are some exercises that not only work your cardiovascular fitness to burn fat but also build muscle. I myself make use of all these exercises, so I am talking from experience!
1 .Jump Rope, To Burn Belly fat gents!
It’s my go to Home workout (before hitting the boxing bag)
30 minutes of Rope Jumping can burn as much as 400 calories at a normal pace.
You say: “But Ewan, I suck at Jumping rope”
My Answer: “Dude, start slow and practice, I used to hate it, but try it for 3 minutes and you will see what I mean”
2 .Shadow Boxing!
You require no equipment whatsoever and you can burn up to 400 calories within 30-40 minute of shadow boxing. Make it more difficult by adding some weight like a 1 kg per hand! And it will blast your core!
3 .Rowing!
Killer cardio exercise that gets your heart rate fast while also engaging nearly every muscle in the body. In addition to this it also:
– Improves core strength.
– Boosts muscle growth.
– Improves muscle coordination.
– Is perfect for muscle hydration (pump).
4.The Burpee.
Also one of those things I used to hate, but the more I did it the more I realized its benefits. One of the simplest exercises that can be done anywhere, at any time. This exercise leaves your heart thumping against your chest, your lungs on fire, and every muscle completely exhausted.
5. The Box Jump!
Yes, great for working the legs and facilitating glutes of steel, whilst killing the core and revving the heart. Start with a low box and slowly challenge yourself to go higher. Do it with a mate and get some healthy competition going!
There you have it! 5 Cardio blasters that burns fat and aid in muscle growth!