Beyond the metros, bad service delivery in municipalities like Emfuleni and Rand West has led to the ANC losing its firm majority.
With 96.5% of votes counted in eThekwini, it’s clear as day that the ANC will also not get a majority there. The ANC is currently at 42% in that metro down from 56% in 2016. Staying in KwaZulu- Natal, the IFP has upped its support across the province from 18% in 2016 to more than 23%. There are only a few votes left to count in that province.
The EFF says it will give AbaThembu King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo his brand new Mercedez Benz SUV regardless of how the party performs in the 2 strongholds under the king’s rule in the province. EFF Eastern Cape chairman Yazini Tetyana has stressed to News24 that the gift is in no way linked to the performance of the party, in the areas ruled by Dalindyebo.
A report by the Commission for Gender Equality has revealed there was no evidence of systematic gender discrimination during the municipal elections on Monday. The commission fielded about 50 gender-diverse election observers – in all 9 provinces. The majority of voters were women. The Commission says women continue to be under-represented among public representatives at the local government level.