An expert says that teddy bears that read stories to your children will be a reality in 5 years. That is according to Allan Wong, CEO of vTech, a technology company that produces a wide array of advanced children’s toys. They’ll be similar to the Teddy Ruxpin teddy bears from the 1980s that told kids stories using a cassette tape.
Going forward it seems that teddy bears could be soon be using AI to generate stories that are customised for children rather than reading from a book. So Ryan took some initiative and took a look into the future by using AI to get Snoop Dogg to read a personalised children’s story.
The Ryan O’Connor Breakfast Show had a conversation about the advancements in technology and how challenging it can be to keep up with it all. We got onto the topic of smart homes and caught up with Craig Heathcote-Marks – founder and director of Intergro Energy who specialise in this field.