Residents in the busy Claremont and Kenilworth nodes can expect nearly three years of additional traffic pressure, as construction work related to the MyCiTi bus roll-out in these areas will commence in earnest in March 2025.
The contractor is expected to set up their site camp and storage facilities on the corner of Imam Haron (M24) and Chichester Road this week.
The first work will begin in March in the vicinity of Stanhope Road and the Stanhope railway bridge, which connects Main Road (M4) with Palmyra Road.
Most of the construction work will take place along Imam Haron Road (M24), starting at Stanhope Road near the Claremont public transport facility and continuing to the M5 highway.
This section covers a distance of about 2,7km, and according to the City of Cape Town the duration of the work is scheduled to take 33 months.
If all goes as planned, the project should be completed by December 2027.

The Mayoral Committee Member for Urban Mobility Rob Quintas says this is by far one of the most challenging sections of roadway to be affected as part of the roll-out of the second phase of the MyCiTi bus service.
It will eventually connect commuters from Mitchells Plain and Khayelitsha with Claremont and Wynberg.
“The City’s investment in expanding the MyCiTi footprint to these areas is the biggest by any South African city to date in improving urban mobility. It is a mammoth undertaking, and unfortunately, it will cause inconveniences and longer commuting times while construction is ongoing.”
Quintas says the City is committed to limiting the impact on road users as far as possible.
He says work on the roads itself will only happen outside peak periods, and the contractor will ensure that traffic is accommodated in both directions at all times.
“I encourage residents to attend the public information day where the project manager and contractor will provide more clarity on what to expect and to view the map of the work areas. This will assist you in planning ahead, and considering alternative routes to destinations.”
Public Information Day:
- DATE: Tuesday, 18 February 2025
- TIME: From 17:00 to 18:30
- LOCATION: Claremont Civic Centre, corner of Wilderness and Bath Roads, Claremont
What to expect:
- As of Monday, 3 February, the contractor will establish its site camp and storage facilities on City-owned land on the corner of Imam Haron and Chichester Roads
- The main construction work will commence in the first week of March 2025 in the vicinity of Stanhope Road and the Stanhope railway bridge in Claremont
- Secondary work will take place along Imam Haron Road (M24) and other affected roads and intersections as well, from the first week of March 2025
- Disruptive work will be restricted to between 09:00 and 15:00 on weekdays
- If needed, work will take place after hours, from 19:00 on Friday to 06:00 on Monday, and residents will be notified in advance
- Pedestrians will be accommodated with safe passage, including temporary crossings
- There will be direct access to business premises and residential properties at all times
- One lane in each direction will be open to traffic at all times
- Temporary signage and flag personnel will be deployed to help keep traffic flowing and ensure the safety of all road users
Project detail:
- Reconstruction of the westbound and eastbound lanes along Stanhope Road, Imam Haron Road (M24) and Chichester Road; including turning lanes at Claremont Boulevard, Palmyra Road, Ravensworth Road, 2nd Avenue/Livingstone Road, Third Avenue and Doncaster Road
- Construction of red bus lanes in the median of Claremont Boulevard, Stanhope Road, Imam Haron Road and Chichester Road
- Construction of a turnaround facility for MyCiTi buses along Garfield Road at the Kenilworth Centre
- New walking and cycling lanes
- Widening of the Stanhope railway bridge – including the construction of new concrete retaining walls to accommodate the widening of Stanhope Road
- Extension of the Black River canal culvert
- Relocation and upgrading of water mains and sewer lines, and other services infrastructure
- Installation of new street lighting
- New traffic signals at the upgraded intersections
- The project includes seven permanent road closures at intersections along Imam Haron Road and five at intersections along Chichester Road as approved by the City Council in December 2023 after a public participation process