If your animals could talk, what would they say? What would you ask them? How would you ask them? Do you do it normally or do you use pictures or use some form of animal ciphers like barks of meows or hisses depending on the animal you have? What if there was a way you could communicate better with your fur baby?
Wonder no more as Maurice and Angel got an animal communicator, Claire Fitzgerald in the studio.
Little known fact, Eugene has a beautiful cat named Suki and Claire communicated to Suki and revealed things Eugene has never told anyone! Ever! Not even Maurice or Angel!

Eugene was absolutely stunned on Claire’s accuracy, which explains why Angel and Mau had to pick up his jaw off of the floor! Jokes aside Claire shared some incredible insight on how you can communicate better with your amazing fur babies.
We love pets, big and small and Claire has left Eugene with a much greater understanding of his relationship with his adorable cat Suki.
Contact Claire at animalhealingwithclaire@gmail.com.