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Sunday, July 7, 2024

World Emoji Day: Why We Love Them 🤍💛💙

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What is a message without an emoji? Passive-aggressive? Serious? Or are they less meaningful, impactful or are just ‘incomplete’?


In the age of social media, emojis are an essential part of our communication. They are a popular (and convenient) way of conveying our emotions, clarifying words or enhancing expressions. The tiny icons have transcended language barriers, allowing us to communicate more effectively in modern-day convos.


The story goes, the calendar emoji – on most applications – show July 17 (📅). Thus, World Emoji Day is celebrated on this day.


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Whether you’re flaking on your friends or giving an opposing view in a meeting, emojis can help express the emotions or soften the blow. Jeremy Burge, the founder of Emojipedia, reportedly first observed this unique occurrence in 2014. Even when giving criticism – or reeving it – emojis can lighten the impact or provide a visual aid to how you feel.


Back in 2007, a software internationalisation team at Google appealed to get emojis recognised by the Unicode Consortium. This is a non-profit group that works to maintain and develop text standards across computers.


Later, in 2010, with the popularity rise of smartphones, Unicode finally standardised the use of emojis. Since then, big brands like Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter and Google started creating their own versions of emojis.



Happy Emojis to Share With Friends

💛 Yellow heart 💛

Yellow is the colour of friendships and can be used to show familial love.


The Smiling Face with Sunglasses 😎

This emoji is great to show that you’re having a great time, ready for that day at the beach or are on the same page as your friends.


Sparkles Emoji

The little stars don’t necessarily mean anything specific, but add a little *pizzazz* to anything you say. If you mean something in a witchy way, this could work too.


Clinking Mugs of Beer, Flutes of Champagne 🥂🍻

Let your friends know you are ready to party!


You Know What I Mean 😏

You know what I *actually* mean, fam…



Flirty Emojis to Send to Your SO

The iconic wink 😉

The classic winky face can turn any seemingly-innocent message, real flirty, real quick!


Blushing kissy face 😚

It’s not a full-blown kissy face (😘) just yet. That does not mean it will never be.


Pretty-please-i’m-begging-you 🥺

Playing innocent can be an effective way to flirt. And why wouldn’t you want your partner to think you are the most adorable thing on this planet?


Peach  🍑 + eggplant 🍆

Use this when you want the flirting to veer into more sexual territory.


The sweaty emoji 🥵

Is the conversation making you all hot and bothered? Let your partner know with this hot and sweaty emoji. They will appreciate it over the generic “sexy” compliment.

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Safe Emojis to Send To Your Boss

Thinking Face Emoji 🤔

Besides showing that you are thinking of a question or considering an opinion, the thinking emoji also shows your boss that you are ACTIVELY working on the task. And really thinking about a way to complete it.


😮 Surprised Emoji 😮

Show your manager how surprised (or impressed) you are with something they did or said. Perhaps they really liked that poster you designed last minute. Perhaps they liked it so much they’re giving you a raise! 😮


Graph Increasing Emoji 📈

If things are going to plan, use this emoji to emphasise – and celebrate – it. Now why would you send a boring 👍 emoji?


Handshake Emoji 🤝

Being a team player is a great quality. Remind your manager that you are willing to collaborate, and make the dream work. It can also be used to show appreciation for something your manager or co-worker helped you with.


Zahraa Schroeder
Zahraa Schroeder
Zahraa writes articles about climate change, world conflict and celebrities. She received her Diploma in Journalism and Media Studies from Damelin, and has garnered more than four years’ experience in the radio industry. She is short for no reason and loves talking to strangers on the bus.

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