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Friday, March 7, 2025

What is a facial cleansing brush? And do you need one?

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What is a facial cleansing brush?

A battery operated device people rub on their faces every day hoping to get their skin squeaky clean. Despite what is popular on TikTok, trying to achieve a ‘squeaky clean’ face everyday is not your best bet.


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Should you go for a squeaky clean skincare routine?

Think about it: your skin needs at least some of the oil (sebum) it produces. The people Medical News Today explains that sebum “helps moisturize and protect the skin”. Research reveals that it is fundamental to the function of skin, providing 90% of the lipids – fat molecules – on the skin’s surface. These lipids lock in moisture.


Meanwhile other research suggests that sebum is accountable, at least partially, for the “antimicrobial activity of the skin surface”. Sebum also transports fat-soluble antioxidants (like Vitamin E) to the skin, help preventing oxidative skin damage!


Looking at all these healing functions of sebum – who would want to wash it all away? When you go to remove all oils, you essentially leave your face without a bit of oil (read: moisture) that it needs.


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Before we get into this!

I’ve been exploring skincare for the past three years, and one thing I can guarantee, is that online recommendations is not something you should automatically assume will work for everyone. You know your skin the best. Take the time to asses it before spending your hard-earned money on another fad.


Take facial cleansing devices as an example. I’ve used one because dermatologists online said it would be a good for my skin. Smoother skin here I come – or so I thought. I got one with a “gentle head”. To my disappointment, it damaged my skin barrier! Clearly my skin is too sensitive for such a device.


I was never a fan of electric devices for facial exfoliation due to the risk of overdoing it,” says Dr. David J. Leffell, the Chief of Dermatologic Surgery at Yale School of Medicine. “That can cause a form of acne, and generally traumatize the epidermis,” he added during an interview with Insider.


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Facial Cleansing Brushes: what they claim to do.

  1. Exfoliation means you remove the top layer of your skin to reveal fresh and younger looking skin. Exfoliation is beneficial when you need it. It can brighten your complexion or fade some acne scars. There are two types: chemical and physical. Facial cleansing brushes fall in the latter
  2. Reduces wrinkles. Okay, but how do you wash away wrinkles? I’ll leave it there…
  3. A massage routine that can help you relax. That’s if you have the time for a massage and the end of your work day, then sure.
  4. Deep cleansing. Sounds like a good idea every once in a while – not every day.



Here are safer alternatives you can give a try.

  1. Consider a gentle chemical exfoliation once a week. Work your way up to every second or third day while your skin builds its tolerance.
  2. Invest in a good quality sunscreen and retinoid that have both been proven to preserve and rebuild collagen, respectively.
  3. If you are seeking a sensory message at the end of your day opt for a facial oil and facial stone roller.
  4. When it comes to a deep cleanse – I understand the need – treat yourself to a professional facial from a salon. A trained person can apply the right amount of pressure with perfectly paired products.



Mienke Jacobs
Mienke Jacobs
Originally from the Free State, Mienke has now been part of the Smile90.4fm family for two years, while hosting The No Repeat Workday on weekdays from 9am to 12pm. She now shares her personal life, strong opinions and beloved dogs across the internet. After completing her Honours degree and winning Miss Free State in 2016, she started exploring the world of beauty and fashion.

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