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Thursday, June 27, 2024

WATCH: William Ruto declared Kenyan President

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The head of Kenya’s election body declared Deputy President William Ruto the winner of the country’s close-fought presidential election.

Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission chairman Wafula Chebukati announced on Monday 15 August that Ruto had won almost 7.18 million votes (50.49 percent) against 6.94 million (48.85 percent) for his rival Raila Odinga.

Kenyans went to the polls on 9 August.

In his acceptance speech Ruto said: “There are no losers. The people of Kenya have won because we raised the political bar,” the president-elect said after the announcement on Monday. “There is no looking back, we are looking to the future, we need all hands on deck to move forward.”

But it was not without controversy as some of the Commissioners did not stand by the outcome of the elections

Deputy Chairperson Juliana Cherera said: “We cannot take ownership of the result that is going to be announced.”

Election day passed largely peacefully, but there were lingering memories of vote-rigging and the deadly violence in 2007-08 and 2017 in Kenya.

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission was under pressure to ensure a  free and fair election.

Ruto was the Deputy President but effectively ran as the challenger after outgoing President Uhuru Kenyatta threw his support behind his former foe Odinga.

Kenyans voted in six elections, choosing a new president as well as senators, governors, lawmakers, women representatives and some 1 500 county officials.

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