There has been a rising incidence of trauma involving children which necessitated action to empower children, families and other role players to deal with trauma and to prevent it. Statistics has shown that South Africa has the highest occurrence of sexual abuse and rape in the world, as well as an alarmingly high incidence of HIV/AIDS.
We have therefore devoted ourselves to actively address these societal challenges, and subsequently founded the TygerBear Unit for Traumatised Children and Families in 1998 with Phase 1 – the establishment of a psycho-social service centre. With the completion of Phase 1 in 2000, the TygerBear Unit continued with Phase 2, the erecting of a Training and Counselling Centre. The Centre was fficially opened in 31 October 2002 and has efficiently been maintained with workshops, training and special events.
In 2005 the TygerBear Unit broke ground, literally and figuratively on Phase 3: The establishment of a dedicated survivor’s care centre to provide a psycho-social and care service to survivors of rape, other trauma due to HIV/Aids, Cancer, etc. in children as well as their significant others (family, friends and partners). The need for such a centre has become a priority due to the alarming increase in children’s trauma. After a long and arduous journey the TygerBear Care Centre was officially opened on 6 December 2008.
We were priviledged to launch our Phase 5, MOBI – Mobile Outreach Bear Initiative, on the 4th of December 2009, with her “maiden voyage” during the live FIFA Draw in Loop Street.
To establish an environment in which superior quality psychosocial care services can be rendered to improve the lives of children, their families and the people of the Western Cape in general.
To offer an integrated psychosocial service treating traumatised children, their significant others and promoting their rights
To create awareness of children’s needs
To provide for the educational and training needs and to empower all people involved in the care and management of children and adolescents who have been traumatised as well as their families
To provide a compassionate and holistic integrated medical and psychosocial service to survivors of rape, attempted rape and sexual abuse in adults, children and their families
To provide an integrated psychosocial and support service to HIV/AIDS patients and their significant others.
To create an environment and making facilities available to support these services and to promote the prevention of trauma.
To provide efficient psychosocial patient care through the medium of individual-, group- and community work.
To provide efficient in-service training for staff as well as training of other health professionals in the management of psychosocial care.
To do research in order to evaluate and maintain a high standard of service.
To maintain an efficient standard of administration and accountability.
To establish a unit for traumatised children and their families.
To establish a training and counseling centre to deal with trauma.
To establish a unit for rape survivors.
To establish a psychosocial support and information centre for HIV/AIDS and cancer patients as well as the patients who require support and empowerment.
To establish a sport centre with a holistic therapeutic approach to traumatised children and contributing to their psychosocial and physical welfare.
To initiate special projects based on need assessment and research.
To network with other Departments within the Hospital, other service providers, similar institutions and all stakeholders.
Tygerbear Foundation
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