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The Honest Truth: Project Flamingo saves lives.

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SA Weddings Athletes Raise Funds For Breast Cancer Surgery

On Monday 26 August, Dr Liana Roodt, Specialist Breast, Endocrine and General Surgeon, Katherine Ballantyne and Kelly Thuynsma from SA Weddings and athlete Tania Anderson, joined Benito Vergotine in conversation on The Honest Truth.

Listen to the conversation here: Project Flamingo – Breast cancer surgery

In anticipation of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a team of SA Weddings
athletes, will be running the Cape Town Marathon on Sunday, 15 September
to raise funds and awareness for Project Flamingo, an NPO that provides
funding for additional breast cancer theater lists in the public health sector.
On Sunday, 15 September, a team of SA Weddings athletes led by Temotio
Jacopo will undertake the 42,2km to raise awareness about breast cancer in
South Africa. Temotio, a fitness instructor and seasoned runner, attended the
2018 SA Weddings Bride of the Year event where he was introduced to
Project Flamingo for the very first time. “I was touched to hear that SA
Weddings supports this incredible organisation. I knew I had to get involved
and fitness is what I know and am good at. I approached the team and
expressed my interest in supporting Project Flamingo by running the Sanlam
Cape Town Marathon. A few days later, myself and the team had a Given
Gain fundraising account set up and in a few weeks I’ll be running in support
of this incredible cause.”
Ensuring timely and holistic cancer treatment
With breast cancer being the most common cancer in women, Project
Flamingo provides funding for additional theater lists on a monthly basis at
both Groote Schuur and Tygerberg hospitals. Main costs are the locum rates
for qualified theater nursing staff and selected theater consumables.
Surgeons and anesthetists all work on a voluntary basis. Approximately 5 – 8
patients receive their breast cancer surgery per list, which significantly aids in
providing timely care for these patients. In 2017, a total of 82 breast cancer
patients received their cancer surgeries on these sponsored lists and in 2018
a record 112 patients were operated on Project Flamingo lists. A total
number of 580 (at the time of writing) have received their surgery through
Project Flamingo since its launch in 2010.Patients are not selected by the
NPC but are patients known to the breast oncology services at both GSH and
TBH hospitals. This ensures fair practice and continuity of care. “Project
Flamingo is extremely grateful to wonderful individuals like Temotio who
selflessly contributes to our cause. It is our prerogative to continue to assist
and support an overwhelmed public health care system and to advocate on
an ongoing basis for improved service delivery to ensure evidenced based,
quality and humane cancer care for all South Africans. We can’t do it without
people like Temotio! In the words of Margaret Mead: ‘Never doubt that a small
group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the
only thing that ever has’, says Dr Liana Roodt, Specialist Breast, Endocrine
and General Surgeon.

SA Weddings supports Project Flamingo
As part of a CSI initiative, SA Weddings supports Project Flamingo by raising
funds through ticket sales for Bride of the Year, an annual gala event, which
sees 12 contestants compete for the title and various other exclusive prizes.
“We’re extremely honoured to be supporting this incredible organisation who
has taken it upon themselves to provide an outlet and support system for
women who are diagnosed with breast cancer. We’d also like to thank
Temotio for reaching out to us and wanting to assist in raising additional funds
for Project Flamingo”, says Katherine Ballantyne, Creative Director for SA
Should you wish to donate, please visit

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