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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

TB claimed 56,000 deaths in 2023

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TB claimed 56,000 deaths in 2023. That’s according to the humanitarian aid organization, Gift of the Givers. The organization’s founder, Dr Imtiaz Sooliman and senior TB specialists will be part of a commemoration event for World TB Day today in Stellenbosch.


Gift of the Givers commemorates World TB Day in Stellenbosch


At the same time, the organization said that TB is preventable and also the largest cause of death from an infectious disease in the country. Dr Sooliman says the 56000 TB deaths in 2023 equate to 153 per day, which were all preventable and curable. He says Gift of the Givers supports and endorses the National Health Department’s End TB Campaign for 2025. This campaign aims to test 5 million individuals and it is hoped that 250 000 undiagnosed and untreated cases will (could be) detected. This in turn will increase the risk of spread and death.
world tb day 2025
Image: SA Gov – World TB Day 2022

End TB Campaign for 2025



Dr Sooliman has added that to highlight all the aspects of decisive TB intervention, Gift of the Givers will support tthe patients of Aan Het Pad Clinic, Cloetesville, Stellenbosch on World TB Day. He says unemployment, poverty and hunger are rife in the community which already has a significant number of positive TB cases many with HIV as a comorbidity. GotG says TB is spreading among children at an alarming rate. The aid organization says the incidence of TB overall in the WC is very high.


wordl tb day
Image: Getty Images

TB overall in the WC is very high


The organization says nutrition is critical for compliance in taking medication. Dr Sooliman says the Aan Het Pad Clinic could be used as a prototype to monitor progress given the correct intervention. He says Sister Fortuin and her team of dedicated nurses consistently treat and follow up patients with house visits throughout the year. Sooliman says they need support with food. At the same time, Gift of the Givers is symbolically going to hand out 150 food parcels and support the clinic with fortified enriched nutritional products, Genesis and eezee peanut paste.

He added, “Gift of the Givers will support the clinic nutritionally for an entire year as a means to test progress.”

The organization says to add to the campaign, working with various groups TB could be substantially reduced in the region. Dr Sooliman says Khilona Radia and her specialist team from Antrum Biotech, Free of TB, Stellenbosch University Department of Medicine, WC Dept of Health, Gift of the Givers and our dietitians including Michelle Bristow responsible for the development of Genesis (Michelle was previously involved in the development of Future Life) will all be on-site in the hall adjacent to the clinic. He has expressed this special thanks to Councillor Elsabe Vermeulen who arranged the facility.



world tb day
Image: SAFTU – On World TB Day SAFTU calls on the government to declare TB a national health emergency! / 2021
Merentia Van Der Vent
Merentia Van Der Vent
Merentia joined the media world in 1996 and in 2001, she took her first steps in the broadcasting world. In her free time, she likes to go on adventures in the city. She also likes to learn new dances, not that she is any good at that.

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