Renowned South African actress Michelle Botes, celebrated for her iconic portrayal of Cherel de Villiers-Haines in Isidingo, has passed away at the age of 63. She passed on Saturday morning after a two-year battle with multiple myeloma, a rare and incurable blood cancer.
Botes’ career spanned decades, with standout roles in Die Swart Kat, Legacy, and Binnelanders, alongside her unforgettable performance in Isidingo.
She was born in Cape Town in 1962, and later graduated with a bachelor’s degree in speech and drama from Stellenbosch University.
In a statement, Sport, Arts, and Culture Minister Gayton McKenzie praised Botes for her contribution to the country’s entertainment industry. His was among many tributes for the actress.
“Michelle Botes was more than an actor; she was a national treasure, whose talent, charisma and authenticity brought life to every role she played. [Her] contribution to the arts will continue to resonate, reminding us of the power of storytelling to unite, heal and transform.”
Bruis magazine conducted the last interview with Botes in October, at which time she was told she only had two to three months left to live. She received the diagnosis in July 2022.
A Cape Town native, Botes spent her final years in her hometown, undergoing treatment. She is survived by her two children, Cara and Daniel, who, alongside the nation, mourn the loss of an extraordinary talent.
“Despite her health challenges, Michelle continued to inspire with grace and courage, becoming a symbol of hope for many South Africans. The passing of such a figure is a profound loss for our country. As we mourn her departure, we must celebrate her legacy,” said McKenzie.