If you or a loved one is living with pulmonary hypertension (PH), we offer information, support, hope and the chance to become active in our community. The Pulmonary Hypertension Association South Africa (PHSA) was founded by patients, for patients – we are here for you as a source of support, connection and hope. Our patients are a knowledgeable, inclusive and an inspiring group who are eager to listen and share their experiences.
The voice of the PH community is built on the personal stories of patients, caregivers, family and friends and medical professionals. Each of these stories is a powerful tool in educating and raising awareness amongst the general public about PH. Each of us has a story to tell. Your voice and your story are important to us. The first step in raising PH awareness across the country starts with you. Together we are stronger and can do more: becoming a member of PHSA means that you are helping to create a unified community across the country.
We want to get to know you: become a member of PHSA today. Living with a rare disease can sometimes feel lonely. But you are not alone. By reaching out to others who live with the same issues every day; who have been there and who have similar experiences, you will connect with a community who offer support, information and hope for the future.
Aims of the Pulmonary Hypertension Association of South Africa:
– Advocate and lobby for the rights of persons suffering from Pulmonary Hypertension, and to influence legislation and policies so as to ensure that these rights are protected. – Promote and support measures which will prevent or reduce the occurrence of PH conditions and their effects. – Research and formulate policies and guidelines, for PH, in order to ensure effective and efficient service delivery. – Educate and raise awareness amongst the general public about Pulmonary Hypertension. – Initiate and facilitate the formation of support groups and to assist patients to address specific areas of need. – Build capacity of the Management Committee through development programmes. – Mobilize resources for utilization by the Association. – Monitor and evaluate the overall functioning of the Association and its affiliated branches on an ongoing basis. – Network and form strategic partnerships with other role-players. – Co-ordinate a national database of patients. – Enhance the sustainability of the Association and ensure sound governance. – To implement all or any of the a foregoing objects by any lawful means registered in terms of the Non Profit Organisations Act of 1997 and section 30(1) of the Income Tax Act, Act 58 of 1962.
Operates in: All of South Africa Established in: October 2011
Non-Profit Organisation Number: 086-071 Public Benefit Organisation Number: Section 21 Company Number: Trust Number:
Contact person: Denneys Niemandt Phone: 082 520 4129 Fax: 086 508 1549 Physical address: Postal address: P O Box 15622, Panorama Website: www.phsa.co.za
– See more at: http://www.charitysa.co.za/pulmonary-hypertension-association-of-south-africa.html#sthash.aPeeZbrC.dpuf