We have been (and still are) plagued by the power crisis in South Africa. Breakdown after breakdown, a lot is being said about turning loadshedding around – but to no avail.
The latest is our new Minister of Electricity, Kgosientso Ramogkopa, who is doing extensive visits to our power stations and putting corruption and greed in the spotlight.
He is also pointing out the use of poor quality products, corner-cutting designs and construction at both Medupi and Matimba power stations.
Minister Ramogkopa also adds that money was stolen from these multi-billion rand stations.
The bottom line is, we have adapted to living with loadshedding schedules.
READ MORE: BUDGET 2023: Government introduces renewable energy, solar tax incentive
So what do we do?
Well, for some, investing is solar panels and inverters is an answer. However, not everyone can afford these things. Especially with everything that is happening around us – fuel and food prices, rising inflation rates – we are simply trying to get by.
But those who CAN set themselves up with a solar system will tell you that it is a breath of fresh air! Because let’s be honest, the sun is the most abundant source of energy we have. Especially here in sunny South Africa!
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Now, solar panels have been around for a long while. However, their effectiveness is not where we need it to be. And they are pricey!
Let’s give a round of applause for the next gen solar panel, the perovskite!
Listen to my chat HERE with Theunis Janse van Rensburg for my Tech Talk Tuesday discussion!

A ‘perov’-what panel?
It is made from materials with the same crystal structure as calcium titanium oxide and is way more effective than current solar panels.
Plus, it is cheaper and less-energy intensive to produce. With a thin and lighter design than usual panels, these next gen perovskite panels can also bend! All of this has people very excited, because, essentially, aside from powering your home, it could possibly be fitted to the roof of a car.
READ MORE: Tech Tuesday with Theunis- Porsche and Boeing’s Flying car!
Temperature fluctuations have impact normal photovoltaic panel, causing them to lose efficiency over time. Whereas these perovskites have a longer lifespan (about 20 years) without losing efficiency.

With all of this, it is understandable why there is such hype around these next gen panels. Maybe you heard of them, maybe not, but the perovskites seem to present a win-win situation for all of us.
They might even make loadshedding a thing of the past…