We all have our moments where the brain short circuits and something comes out your mouth that makes you question your reality. A simple moment where you misspeak or get phrases mixed up isn’t a big deal right? Well if it happens on Smile Breakfast then the childish side of the team comes out.
The science of brain farts
Some of us call these moments “brain farts” and science has actually done quite a bit of research into the matter. According to Psychology Today those moments when you misspeak or make a silly mistake might come about because your brain is trying to save energy.
According to the study of brain activity resulting in human error during repetitive tasks, brain farts are detectable by brain scans up to 30 seconds before the occurrence of a mistake. Probably, the researchers say, brain farts are byproducts of the brain’s efforts to save energy on tasks by entering a more restful state.
When words and phrases come out wrong
Fortunately it’s completely normal and Bobby can take solace in the fact that it happens to the best of us. Especially Smile Breakfast listeners.
When English fails you
So we heard about times people misspeak both verbally and on text, but when your second language fails and you misspeak t’s an whole other story.
Read more: House guests and their weird behaviour