It appears Pluto is a planet again.
Yep … after spending 76 years as our solar system’s 9th planet, you’ll recall that Pluto was stripped of its status in 2006, when other larger cosmic bodies were discovered nearby.
Many space scientists argued that because of its size, orbit and strange axis rotation, Pluto just didn’t fit the definition of what a planet should be.
Strangely, the news upset many people who felt an emotional attachment to this tiny little icy rock, which was re-classified a dwarf planet.
And celebrity astrophysicist Neil deGrasse-Tyson thinks he knows why this emotional attachment is so strong.
Audio PlayerSo it’s all the fault of a goofy Disney cartoon.
But wait … in 2015, when the New Horizon space ship flew by and had a peek into Pluto’s atmosphere, the debate was re-ignited by what scientists saw – mountain ranges, glaciers, avalanches and the hallmarks of known planetary processes.
And this is why last Monday, the International Astronomical Union debated Pluto’s fate once more, with its former President Ron Ekers leading the charge in Pluto’s planetary defense.
Audio PlayerAnd there you have it; after 13 years in the astronomical wilderness, relegated to sub-planetary status … Pluto returns to retain what some say is it’s rightful place in the universe.
As for the cosmic body, we’ll have to wait and see!
For the full podcast, take a listen here: