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Cape Town
Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Have your say: Proposals to improve traffic flow on M3

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The City of Cape Town is calling on residents to participate in a second round of public participation about the proposed changes to intersections along the M3 in Newlands, the most important arterial road link between suburbs in the Southern Peninsula and the city.


The intention of these changes and road improvements is to alleviate bottlenecks between Upper Hillwood Road and Newlands Avenue. The closing date for comments is 13 December 2023.


m3 upgrades


The City proposes to improve traffic flow along the M3 by removing two signalised intersections; implementing three median closures and a road closure; and reinstating a signalised pedestrian crossing at Upper Hillwood Road in Bishopscourt.


Of significance is that the Urban Mobility Directorate will add a third southbound lane between Rhodes Avenue and Upper Hillwood Road to accommodate traffic travelling from town towards the Southern suburbs. The budget for this improvement has been approved by Council, and includes upgrades to the side roads.


‘About a year ago we hosted a first round of public participation about the proposed changes to assist with alleviating the bottlenecks along the M3 in the Newlands area in particular. We received nearly 400 comments, and used these to further fine-tune the proposals that are now available for public comment.


‘The M3 is a strategic north-south freeway. Over the past 24 months or so, we have seen an increase in traffic and with the latest volumes, the section between Wynberg Hill and Newlands Avenue is almost in constant grid-lock with traffic seldom free flowing between six in the morning and seven in the evening, regardless the day of the week.


‘The City is committed to implementing changes, and adding capacity where possible, to improve traffic flow so that commuters spend less time on the road. Improved mobility will improve productivity, and bring down the cost of travelling. I call on residents to please comment on these proposals by 13 December 2023,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Urban Mobility, Councillor Rob Quintas.


The following proposals are now available for public comment:


  • To close the median at the intersection of Fernwood Avenue, and to remove the traffic signal so that traffic can move freely through this section of the M3. This will mitigate the back-up of traffic at the Paradise Road intersection and meet the required minimum spacing for signalised intersections along a higher order road carrying high volumes of vehicular traffic.
  • To allow only a left in to Fernwood Avenue from the M3 for traffic travelling in a northbound direction, meaning traffic can only exit the M3 to Fernwood Avenue, but not enter the M3 from Fernwood Avenue.
  • Remove the pedestrian crossing at Fernwood Avenue as pedestrians can cross the M3 at the Paradise Road intersection and at Newlands Avenue.
  • To implement a free flow left-turn slip lane and an additional right-turn lane at the M3/Rhodes Avenue intersection for traffic travelling eastbound along Rhodes Avenue. This will improve the capacity at this intersection, in particular during the morning peak hour period for those travelling towards the city.
  • To signalise the intersection of Rhodes Avenue and Almond Street to safely accommodate traffic that is rerouted from Fernwood Avenue.
  • The closure of the median at Upper Torquay Avenue so that traffic travelling in a southbound direction along the M3 can no longer turn right into Upper Torquay. This is to prevent the backing up of traffic along this section caused by right turning vehicles, and also to improve road safety by removing an unsignalised intersection where right turning drivers have to take gaps in the heavy M3 traffic flow.
  • Traffic travelling in a northbound direction will be able to exit the M3 by turning left into Upper Torquay Avenue; similarly, those driving along Upper Torquay Avenue will be able to enter the M3 by turning left to travel northbound towards the city.
  • To close Upper Hillwood Road at the top of Wynberg Hill, implement a median closure, and remove the traffic signal at this intersection so that traffic can move freely along this section and over the hill.
  • To turn Upper Hillwood Road into a cul-de-sac that does not intersect with the M3, while retaining existing access to and from the corner property.
  • To reinstate a signalised pedestrian crossing at Upper Hillwood Road in Bishopscourt to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists crossing the M3.


How to comment:


  • Submit a comment via www.capetown.gov.za/haveyoursay
  • Send an email to Urban Mobility.CT@capetown.gov.za (quote reference: 110232413)
  • By hand at the Subcouncil 20 office, Alphen Centre, Constantia Main Road, Constantia and the Subcouncil 11office, Dulcie September Civic Centre, corner of Protea and Klipfontein Roads, Kewtown, Athlone
  • At the following libraries: Rondebosch library, Town Hall, Hall Road, Rondebosch; Meadowridge library, corner of Howard Drive and Firgrove Way, Meadowridge; Tokai library, Tokai Road, Tokai; Plumstead library, The Village Square, Yudelman’s Lane, Plumstead; and Wynberg library, Maynardville, Wynberg
  • The closing date for comments is 13 December 2023


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