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Cape Town
Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Eugene shares how he once lost his toddler – at home!

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It’s the end of a manic 5 day work week! I mean who just sprinkles public holidays in the middle of the week? We do! We understand why you missed your favourite show, the Smile Drive earlier this week. That’s ok! We’re here for you! From getting into trouble in school to your favorite game – the Brain Basher – we got your back here on Smile Drive.

This is what you missed:



Dean shared how he got into trouble in class and, to be honest, it’s the teacher’s fault. Meanwhile, Joy’s school principal gets involved in a major way that leads to the school rules being changed!

READ MORE: Angel discovers the wonders of ASMR, The Smile Drive Rewind



What’s in a name, Angel?

We all have general names for things despite that these things got actual names when they were invented and patented! Do you know what the plastic or metal part at the end of a shoelace is called? Angel drops some knowledge, and Eugene is tickled pink as he finds out what a tittle and a punt is.

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Here are some of the actual names for the common things you encounter on a daily basis!



White House toddler invasion

There’s nothing more heart wrenching than a child gone missing. Angel shared a story of how a toddler created a security nightmare after breaching the White House! Yes, the residence of POTUS! The Smile Drive team then heard some stories that will make you gasp for air! Disclaimer: All the kids in these stories were safe on the occurrence of said events.

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Imagine losing your child at home? I mean you had one job! Look after baby! Not put man on the moon! Eugene lost his then 2 year old at home!

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