The South African Rooibos Council says animals can also benefit from Rooibos’ health-giving properties. To this end, they’ve travelled to Hoedspruit to speak to the owners of perhaps the most famous animal star in the world, Jessica the Hippo.
Jessica has played the lead in several National Geographic documentaries. The mammal also appeared on the Discovery Channel, SKY news and the BBC. At the same time, people in Japan, Germany and Australia also got to see her on local TV.
She even made it onto the Oprah Winfrey Show.
Jessica was rescued as a calf, during a flood, that ravaged parts of Mozambique and South Africa. She was raised by an honorary game ranger, Tonie Joubert and his wife, Shirley.
What is very interesting about her is that she gulps down 20 litres of Rooibos per day to help her get her beauty sleep.