Research shows that the way we eat popcorn says more about our personality than any Facebook of Buzzfeed quiz. Metcalfe’s skinny topcorn commissioned the research. 2000 people participated. It reveals some distinct popcorn eating habits of both sexes and personality traits.
In a related study a 2002 Personality and Individual Differences study suggests that healthy eaters who eat high-fiber foods (like popcorn) tend to describe themselves as ‘open to new experiences’, ‘imaginative’ and ‘reflective’.
This popcorn study, reveals how something as ‘normal’ as chowing on some popcorn can get down to your – deep,dark,secret – personality.
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Introvert V Extrovert
Dr. Ben Sessa, a consultant psychiatrist in England, laid the groundwork for the study.
The research reveals that almost half (48%) of the people who eat the snack one kernel at a time, are introverted.
Extroverts, on the other hand, prefer popcorn-grabbing. Two in five people (40%) admit to mindlessly eating the snack by the handful.
Dr. Sessa says: “There are well-recognised links between eating habits and personalities”. For example, slow eaters are more stubborn, often putting their needs before others and enjoy routine.
On the opposite end, fast eaters were found to be less selfish and put others first. This is linked to their social and extroverted nature. “Fast eaters are generally less selfish,” says Sessa, as they fit the profile of an extrovert who enjoys sharing their popcorn. They most likely grab fistfuls at a time too!
A 2012 YouGov public opinion poll found that 46% of Britons like sweet best, against 15% who favour salted popcorn.
Women V Men
Women are 5% more likely to eat popcorn considerately – eating the snack one kernel at a time. Men, in contrast, are 50% more carefree (and chaotic) than the female participants. They throw caution to the wind, throwing handfuls at their mouths: hoping for the best.
Surprisingly, 96% of men said they would happily share: the same percent as the women.
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Here 5 Fun Facts about Popcorn
- Popcorn is gluten-free, corn is a whole-grain food.
- Popcorn can pop up to 90cm in the air.
- It is the official snack of Illinois and Indiana.
- Unpopped kernels are “old maids”.
- The Aztec language has a word for the sound of ‘many kernels popping at once‘: totopoca.