17.6 C
Cape Town
Sunday, September 22, 2024

Maurice gets his food stolen from the office kitchen, The Smile Drive Rewind

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It’s been a topsy-turvy week. From a public holiday in the middle of the week and a shutdown for good measure. However, the fun on the Smile Drive continues and we don’t shut down for anyone!


On International Happiness Day, Maurice and Angel heard what you are happy about!


ICYMI: [LISTEN] Kurt Schoonraad has Smile Drive team in stitches!



Stolen Parking vs Stolen Food: What Grinds Your Gears?

Which is worse? Your parking bay “stolen” by anyone let alone a stranger or have your delicious “braai broodjie” or food stolen from the office kitchen? Eugene was adamant that it was parking. Maurice wasn’t so sure.

Eugene felt strongly about his parking spot as lunches can be made and bought whenever wherever but Cape Town weighed on where they stand on the matter.


Exhibit A to Z



Well, the verdict is in! Clearly, someone stealing your feed is what grinds your gears. Sorry Eugene, no clutch!



Maurice Jokes

Love it or hate it, “Dad jokes” are Maurice’s favorite pastime. Some land and some tickle Angel and Eugene and then there are those that make you want to speak to manager to compensate you for the time you’ll never get back!




LOOK AT THIS: [LISTEN] Use this to close the gap in your long distance relationship



Brain Basher

Missed this week’s, Brain Basher? We got you covered! While Angel was away, Eugene stepped in as the Game’s Master. We think he loves the job too much!



WE COULD NEVER FORGET: [LISTEN] If your pet could talk what would they say?



Eugene Mpatheni
Eugene Mpatheni
The other half of the The Joy Ride every weekday from 4 pm to 7 pm. Former Man United fan but is now a Scouser. I love all forms of sport, especially the conversations around the beautiful game. A husband and father of three who falls asleep to the sounds of barber ASMR.

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